St Lucia June 2014
It is always nice to sail into somewhere familiar and
rounding the point to sail into Rodney bay was no exception. We anchored near
Gros Islet, not too far from the marina entrance, knowing to drop the anchor
well clear of the trench and soon settled back into life in St Lucia.
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Gros Islet |
Our plans are to stay in Rodney bay for a few weeks while we
get a few jobs done on the boat then we will sail to Bonaire and Curacao where
we will leave the boat and fly back to Europe for 2 months. We have a deadline
to getting to Bonaire as we are meeting Rowena’s brother Ian and his wife and
celebrating Ian’s 50th birthday with a ‘dive fest’.
The big project for our time in Rodney bay is to sort out
the problem of rusty water in our freshwater tanks. This has been bugging us
for some time now. We can only assume we had taken on rusty water and it has
settled in the bottom of the tanks to be shaken up every time we go
sailing. The solution is to drain the
tanks open up the inspection hatches and clean them out. Having done this we
will hopefully get through a lot less water filters on the drinking water tap
and not have ‘rusty’ showers after we have gone sailing!
The marina at Rodney bay is the place to do this while we
are tied alongside and a freshwater hose readily available. We also have some
minor sail and canvas repairs to do and the engine needs a service, so the calm
of the marina is the best place to do it all.
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An evening at the 'Jump up' |
We try to be focused on our tasks but Rodney bay is a
sociable as ever, various ‘happy hours’ sundowners aboard various boats and of
course the reciprocal evenings as well tends to be a bit distracting, however
we do manage to get the tasks done and are waiting for a good weather window to
sail to Bonaire.
As usual, not only do
we have our jobs list to focus on but repair what breaks while we are in Rodney
bay. Disappointingly the shower drain pump packed up one evening. This has only
lasted 18 months. I suppose when we replaced the last one we shouldn’t have
just replaced ‘like with like’ but tried to improve. This time we have a much
improved pump (at twice the price of the old one) so hopefully this will last
much longer.
Unfortunately we find living on the boat 24/7 some of the
kit just is not up to the job, for ‘weekending’ and the occasional week away it
would be fine but for the usage we are giving some of the systems we need
almost ‘industrial’ quality.
In Rodney bay we have
met with our friends on ‘Compass Rose’ who are keen birdwatchers and together
with ‘Wild Matilda’ we organised a bird watching trip to the Maria Islands
located off the south coast of St. Lucia. Home to many nesting sea birds it
proved to be an interesting trip. Our guide Stefan, works for the Forestry
Commission and also took us to an inland brackish lake to see wading birds as
well as the forest birds close to where he lives. His enthusiasm for birds was
a totally infectious, well worth the very early start (before daybreak). Although
we were flagging by the time we got to our rather late lunch, our guide would have
carried on all day. This is one lucky man whose hobby has become his job and
his passion.
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Our transport to Maria island |
We set of in a pirogue from a small fishing harbour in
mangroves . Our skipper is a fisherman and fortunately knows his way round the
shallows. The whole trip out was in only a few feet of water, we could see the
rocks he had to navigate around. It was also very windy with big swells so we
were all pretty wet by the time we arrived. The boat was beached and out we
hopped out, the fishermen settling down to wait for us.
The whole island is a reserve and no one is allowed ashore
without permission.
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Bridled Tern |
We had expected a Bridled tern nesting ground, but Stefan
explained that they died in their thousands a few years ago and nobody found
out why. The vegetation is mainly cactus and dry thornbush and there are no
mammals. Scaley-naped pigeons fly over from the main island to nest low in the
trees so there is a continual rapid overfly. Brown Noddys make acrobatic
entries and exits from their nests on the rocks among the cacti.
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Brown Booby on the Pulpit |
After a steep climb to the top of the island, seeing
Caribbean Martins nesting in a cut in the rock and a tree gecko on the way, we
arrived at the Atlantic side atop a high cliff.
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Red billed tropic bird |
From here we could watch all
these birds from above as well as Red Billed Tropic birds, a few Bridled terns
and Frigate birds. Quite a spectacle. It was so windy that I had to sit down to
take photographs!
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View from Maria Island |
On the way down we found a dead Racer snake (Stefan was
quite upset, apparently there are only about 40 left on the island) and a
lovely big blue tailed lizard, too quick to photograph. After a wet trip back
it was off to Borais Pond, very dry at the moment but hundreds of birds feeding
– Great Egret, Green Heron, Blue Heron, Semi-palmated Plover, Ruddy Turnstones,
the rare Caribbean Coot, Moorhens, Kingbirds and a Peregrine.
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See how he blends in! |
Our next stop was some dry forest near Frigate Island. We
walked up a dry river bed to see some endemic St Lucian birds.
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In the Dry forest |
There were not
many at first but we sat down and Stefan started calling them. It was amazing.
We eventually got to see (All endemic) St Lucia Peewee, St Lucia Warbler, St
Lucia Black Finch (uncommon), Grey Trembler (not endemic) and best of all the
White Breasted Thrasher which is critically endangered due mainly to habitat
loss. We saw three!
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The salt ponds |
At anchor, the wind is unrelenting and everywhere is hazy
due to all the Sahara dust in the air. This is good in that it inhibits the
formation of hurricanes, but the whole boat is slowly turning russet brown. Our
nice new stern shade cloth now looks terrible. We have a few small showers
overnight which causes little brown rivulets all down the cloth and muddy
puddles on the deck in the morning.
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The red dust! |
Finally we get our ‘window’. There have been several
Tropical waves passing through, nothing too serious but enough to produce
squally weather and above average seas. We want a nice passage so we wait for a
gap. Four days of 1.5m swells and 15 –
20 knot winds, just what we need.
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