Ria Formosa & Ilha Culatra
We had been advised that this was a beautiful spot to anchor
and we were not disappointed.

The island of Culatra has no cars only a few tractors,
protected sand dunes, and unspoilt beaches.
Oh,I forgot to mention, dozens of fishermen.
The island community makes it’s living from fishing and harvesting
clams from the sand banks. The clam fishing is a major industry; dozens of
people can be seen at low water digging away.
Clam diggers
There are a couple of well
stocked mini markets and numerous cafĂ©’s and "restaurants" on the island.
Many of the islanders live in colourful cottages on the
beach front (reminiscent of the fishermens cottages at Arniston in the Cape-
for the ZA followers). Until recently the island had been forgotten by the
district council of which they were part. All the islanders refused to vote in the
local elections until they were given the same rights and privileges as those
on the mainland. The result was a new school, library, post office, council
offices, street names, medical centre and a regular ferry service to the
We anchored close to the small fishing harbour off the main
village and enjoyed the scenic location.
At low water there were abundant
wading birds including whimbrels, oyster catchers, Kentish plovers and the Storks.
They all seemed to mingle quite happily with the clam diggers. We could watch
all this from the comfort of the cockpit as well as the fishermen coming and
going, sometimes fishing and laying pots amongst the anchored boats. Early one
morning a fisherman was laying his net right behind us and Richard shooed him
away as he was too close.
Stork in the Lagoon
The Island Boatyard
Low Tide, note the storks wading amongst the boats.
On our visit to the town of Olhao (a 30min ferry ride from
Culatra for €1.80) we saw storks’ nests in the town. Olhao is a non- touristy
town, but has a nice waterfront with shady gardens and well renowned produce
and fish markets.
Olhao town
Storks nest in Olhao
How to get your SCUBA kit home
On the island we walked along the “streets”- concrete blocks
laid as walkways- looking at all the little houses some decorated in whimsical
ways, coloured tiles , shells, paint, and frescos. They all had gardens, with a
few trees amazingly growing in the sea sand. We saw Figs, Peach, Orange, Lemon,
Loquat, Syringa, Oleander and Hibiscus among others. At one house a man sat on
the floor of his tiny verandah making a fishing net using both hands and his toes.
Ferol village and lighthouse at the entrance to the lagoon.
There were boats from 10 different nations in the anchorage,
the most we counted on one morning was 29 boats, but even then it was not at
all crowded.
Skipper chilling out!
After a week just chilling out we needed to get back to
civilisation, being in need of gas, petrol for the outboard, water,
replenishment of stores and of course a laundry. The wind had been blowing from
the direction we wanted to go in for some days, but we decided to make a dash
for the marina at Vilamoura. This was the closest marina to the west of Faro.
We didn’t want to go further east as we would have to come back again to go to
Madeira. We also wanted easy shopping as we had to provision for 4 days at sea.
The exit was uneventful, however after 5
hours beating to windward against the wind and waves we were glad to get in. However, this feeling did not last for long.
Dark skies over Vilamoura
I can honestly say that Vilamoura had nothing to recommend
it. Our problems started from the moment we checked in and were allocated a
berth too small for us to fit into! We then spent all the following morning
trying to buy tokens at the Laundromat but there was no one there. We later
discovered that we could have got these from reception when we booked in (if
only they had told us)! Our laundry was finally washed at 16.00; we had first
tried to use the laundry at 09.00! This resulted in a second night in the
Algarve’s most expensive and over rated marina. To add insult to injury the
Wi-Fi was pathetic (we went to McDonalds to catch up on e-mails) and we were
charged for a 32 Amp plug adaptor to connect to the shore power so we couldn’t
wait to leave. 5 star prices but 5 star this place is not.
The short beam reach from Vilamoura to Albufeira restored
our spirits even though it was trying to rain for most of the time. In spite of
the rain we were still in shorts! We saw a few swallows flying south, reminding us that autumn is on its way. Time for us to head south too.
The cheerful reception staff and tranquil
atmosphere has put us in a much better mood for our passage to Madeira. Final
shopping at the Continente supermarket and improving weather should have us
southbound on Sunday 30th September. The supermarket was really good, but it is the first time I have ever seen whole suckling pigs shrinkwrapped.
One thing I have really enjoyed about Portugal is the flora.
A lot of the plants are ones we grew in the Lowveld like Hibiscus, Oleander, Strelizia, Jacaranda
and Delicious Monsters. Quite a few are indigenous to South Africa- Agapanthus,
Namaqualand daisies, Aloe Vera, Plumbago and I have seen Hottentots Beddegoed –
an aromatic low growing silvery leafed shrub the ancients in ZA used to collect
for bedding. Some of the plants carefully cultivated here such as Lantana and
Syringa are declared noxious weeds in ZA which is rather funny.
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